Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cat Song

Poma Takina

Eight cats, three generations

Gen 1

La Grita, or Mamacita, or Mitochondria MRCA

Cat Mandala - clockwise: La Grita, Dumbass, Sniffles, Foo Fighter, Smoke, Snowflake, Iskay

Gen 2 - all black

Foo Fighter - biggest, male, explorer, momma's boy

Sister Sniffles - Femme, next biggest, quiet, will climb leg for food

Sister Sniffles

Kwee, or Round Eyes - smallest, female, whispers heavenly labials, born a loner but grew into the fold


Sister Sliver - deceased, now down by the riverside

Gen 3, in order born

Dumbass, formerly Tiger or Tigre - male, stripe, strongly marked, takes a long time to figure anything out; alpha at the chicken parts

Iskay and Dumbass
Iskay - (means Two in Quechua) - finely striped, female, affectionate, sleeps in your armpit

Snowflake - female, smallest, black with subtle stripe pattern below - bit of a loner 

Smoke - female, almost twin to Iskay but slightly less defined, Virgo

Sniffles and Foo Fighter

Gen 3 will upon full weaning be farmed out to Juan at the mercado; two for mousers in the market, two as pets for his mom. I will advise Dumbass as a hunter, Iksay as a pet

Dumbass sort of faces camera


As I edit this post, two scraggly interlopers from the neighborhood slink in to forage from the cat's dry food bowl, one after the other. I'm not going to begrudge them that, having overcome so much fear to get here.

Interloper One

Interloper Two.

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