Friday, June 1, 2018

On the Road in June and Beyond

Hullo people,

I'm starting a four-to-six week motorcycle trip in the morning, so I may resume this avenue of communication to keep people up on what's happening to me and the bike. Not sure yet how involved I'll get. Maybe Facebook will be more useful to people. I'm a newbie at FB so I'm not sure. I hear the kids are migrating to Pinterest. 

Anyhow, hope you all are doing fine and we'll see about this. If anyone's listening, I don't even know if I have followers.

Wednesday June 8 2018

Good days make boring stories. Today I rode to Paracas to see all the skulls and bones in the necropolis, bike broke down in the desert, walked it some kilometers back to town, found a mechanic who cleaned the corruption off the battery, went back out, took a wrong turn, came back to see the museum, got snarky at the staff and left without going in or getting my money back, headed for town, lost the bike on slick mud, had to have it lifted off me, rode the hour back to Ica, went to the ER, spent a couple hours or three watching people do paperwork and looking at the casualties on the gurneys in the corridor; got the good news that nothing is broken, limped home. Bought some ice for the foot which soaked the sheet. Now the guys in reception will think I wet the bed. Fine. What if I did? I may have to take a physical health day tomorrow while the swelling goes down. had to pry the foot clutch away from the engine with a wrench to shift gears. Handle bar is bent out of shape. Never saw no skulls or bones. Is that a good story?